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Description:Convert PDF to JPG
Developer:Bernd Assenmacher
Short: convert PDF to JPG
Kurz: PDF zu JPG konvertieren
Author: Bernd Assenmacher
Uploader: b-a@keemail.me (Bernd Assenmacher)
Version: 1.1
Replaces: util/conv/PDF2JPG.lha
Requires: polybios.ext and polybios.hwp (included)
Type: util/conv
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

A little tool to convert PDF files to JPG images.

Short explanation :

PDF2JPG will take the source PDF and create JPG images of the pages it
contains. Each page will be converted to one JPG image and then be
saved to the chosen path.

PDF2JPG is "Donationware" ;-) and free to use without any restrictions !!

The rights of PDF2JPG belong to Bernd Assenmacher!

You use this program at your own risk !

This program is provided "as-is" and comes without a warranty of any kind.

The author cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss of data caused
by using PDF2JPG.

By using it, you personally agree to accept whatever risk you may

Donations are always gratefully received

Btw :

Programming software is a very time intense process so if you want you can
support it/me by sending a small donation here :


Thank you .... :-)

To install PDF2JPG just extract the archive and copy the "PDF2JPG" drawer
(with all contents) inside the drawer of the corresponding OS where you
want to and start the program by double clicking the program icon. :-)

Using PDF2JPG should be self explaining, however it is important to use
target drives which have enough space or the process will fail.

On AmigaOS3.x/4.x RAM disk is sometimes not the best choice. ;-)

Many thanks go to :

all who encouraged me, although there are some tools out there which
(certainly) can do this.

History :

10th August 2023 --- V1.0
- initial release

29th August 2023 --- V1.1
- fixed some minor quirks
- added AmigaOS3.x version
- added AmigaOS4.x version

This readme file was made with Aminetreadmemaker from Thomas Igracki

Upload Date:Oct 01 2023
Size:4 MB