Welcome to Amiga-Storage!, The best for Amiga classic. ©2016-2025 Meta-MorphOS.org
Description:IBrowse is a fast, stable, classic web browser helping you surf the net with your AMIGA.
Developer:Oliver Roberts
IBrowse 2.5

Welcome to the much anticipated update and long overdue
update to IBrowse 2.4. We are extremely happy to finally
make this new version available to all the valued users
who have been waiting so patiently.

Please read the history for a list of all added features
and updates.

Some of the missing features in the demo version are:
- No support for ftp, gopher or mailto
- Only 2 browsers / 1 window open at any time
- Max 2 network connections at the same time

Documentation is available online at www.ibrowse-dev.net
and also see the ib2.html file for more information about
new features and changes in this release.

Some issues commonly raised on the mailing list, which have
not been resolved yet, are:
- Cascading Style Sheets not supported
- No full colour graphical printing capability (although
colour printing via PostScript is available)
- Back button doesn't function correctly after clicking
an anchor link

We may address these issues in a future update, but in the
meantime we trust that the many improvements available in
IBrowse 2.5 provide a significantly enhanced browsing
experience, especially for OS4 users.

Support, news and updates available at www.ibrowse-dev.net

The IBrowse Development Team

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