Readme: | Short: WHDLoad frontend and more Author: (Michael GIBS) Uploader: gibs2b gmail com (Michael GIBS) Type: util/misc Version: 3.56 Architecture: m68k-amigaos
TL is a small and fast frontend to launch WHDLoad games, demos & mods.
IMPORTANT: AmigaFuture Magazine, youâÂÂre not authorized to distribute my softwares with your magazine without my permission, And until now (5th october of 2020), you still don't have it.
* Easy to configure integrated system. * Fast Scan (Sub) Directories & Multi-Locations. * Joystick + Keyboard navigation * Very fast. * Mod player. * Screenshots / Covers
Thanks to Marcus, Olesio & Retronerd beta-testing. Also thanks to blanka & vjkaos for the Icons.
------------------------------------------------ THE KEYS ------------------------------------------------
The keys used in the Space Invader screen are : [Enter] validate your choice. [ESC] Exit. [F5] on [Favorites] refresh, sort, update the list. [K] Switch between AZERTY/QWERTY/QWERTZ keyboards (Status in Infodesk) [F] Change the font. [R] Change the RAD state. [1] Auto Jump to Games at launch. [2] Auto Jump to Demos at launch. [3] Auto Jump to Mods at launch. [4] Auto Jump to Favorites at launch. [0] Deactivate Auto Jump. [T] Change the TOOLTYPES state. [B] Change the BOOTCD State. (In case you want to boot from a CD) [I] Infodesk Screen. [M] Switch the music ON/OFF if any. [H] for Help.
The keys used in the Browser are: [Enter] validate your choice. [SHIFT + Letter] To Jump to the desired Letter. Hold [Up] in the first item + [Fire] To enter FastNav [C] To Switch the cover state. [M] Switch the music ON/OFF if any. [A] Add the item to the favorites. [D] Delete the item from the favorites. [ESC] or [Backspace] to rollback to the space invader screen. [H] for Help. [0] deactivate the auto Jump (to games/to demos) if activated.
If you are setting your path and decide to exit without modification, just type:'exit' or 'quit' or 'escape' or '!q' or 'esc'
If you with to delete a path and its database type 'del' or 'delete' as path
------------------------------------------------ VERSIONS ------------------------------------------------
3.56 Support AZERTY/QWERTY/QWERTZ keyboards. Before using this version, delete or rename s:tinylauncher/sysconfig.cfg then use 'K' to switch the keyboard.
3.55 Fixed the QuickNav function. Thanks to Chad.
3.54 Bug correction (Shift + S was not working in 3.53) + code optimisation. Thanks to Julien for the bug report.
3.53 -For reminder, in the browser you still can jump to a letter of your choice by holding 'up' on the 1 item. You can now jump using the keyboard by using 'SHIFT + Letter'.
3.52 - Fix the sound when you select a game..
3.51 - Get rid of an annoying background noise when quitting some games. - Scroll menu accelerated. (Why I did not do that earlier ? )
3.4 2 Bugs fixed in the Favorites. (Thanks Tempus.g)
3.3 - Plays mods from an assigned path - Free from external library - Scan from SysConfig & route the user if no database is found. - F5 to refresh/sort your favorites items - Covers directory is now settable. - Covers on-demand (with the C key). - Code optimisation.
3.2 - Classy Names improvement (manage âÂÂ&â this is cool for Bubble & Squeak for example). - Some paths were hard coded for DH0: (issues at launch and scan). - Scan from the root drawer is now possible. - Scan works if you put all games at the root too (not in A/ B/ C/âÂÅ directories). - Jump is faster and you wonâÂÂt notice anymore you are using TinyLauncher. - Correction keys on Sysconfig. - New font.
3.1 - Screenshots support ( Copy your IFF [all ECS Screens are supported] into S:TinyLauncher/Covers/ Files must be named this way: NameOfTheSlave + _SCRx + .IFF x is a number between 0 and 9 I recommend using: 0 for the Coverbox 1 for the TitleScreen 2,3,4 for the Ingame screens âÂÅ followed by posters
But then itâÂÂs up to you!
Example : BarbarianPalace_SCR0.IFF
Screen will cycles and loop after ~3 flash on the item. (~6 flash when you enter the browser)
As examples my BarbarianPsygnosis Sshots (coverbox, ingame, poster) you have seen on my YT video.
coming soon: ready2use screenshots.
- Bug fixes
3.0 RC1 (02/02/2017) The Intrepid Scan Engine: Scan multiple subdirectories, multi-locations (can scan games splited in DH1:GamesPart1 and DH2:GamesPart2 if your partition is too small for example), Fast Sorting Algorithm, Classy Names. Favorites : add your favorites slaves FastInfo : On-Screen Display Live options changes The Browser has been rewritten FastNav has been rewritten and less (about 80k)... Intruction for Setup : The News & Differences : The Options : The Favorites : The Jump Function :
2.1 Bug correction Sample sounds lower
2.0 FastNav Hold 'up' on the 1st item to engage FastNav. Improved file detection Bug correction
1.8.8 AmigaDOS (.pl) script are back. Cursor bug correction. Exit logo back.
1.8.6 New Interface, Bugs fix, Faster display, Improved files detection. If you have a problem at launch, remove your old S:TinyLauncher/TinySys.cfg
1.8.4 This update concerns the RAD! The RAD Disk isn't resident in memory anymore: It means that you won't have to shutdown the Amiga using the power supply to kill it anymore. There is no reasons for not using the RAD if you own a little amount of memory. This is a really nice feature. -"B" to switch the scripts from HD to CD (Check Infodesk for its status). -Sysconfig will accept CD0:Directory if DH0:Directory exist (So you can modify your path to CD0: before making your ISO).
How to make a compilation for the CD32 (for example). 1/Prepare your system on DH0: (Tinylauncher, kickstarts, whdload, etc and verify that everything is working) 2/Activate the RAD Disk ('R' key). 3/ Switch from "Boot:HD" to "Boot:CD" ('B' key, check the InfoDesk panel for the status) 4/ Change your paths to CD0:Directory (in the Sysconfig panel) 5/ Make you iso & burn it.
1.8.2 Play a mod at launch if S:TLMusic.mod is found Bug correction
1.8.1 -"P" to switch from "320x200" to "320x256" for full screen on PAL computers. -"1","2","3","4","5" To "Jump" directly to the wanted screen at launch. -"F5" on the bouncing screen avoid the "Jump" function. -"ESC" to avoid the bouncing animation. (Don't need the library anymore, thanks PMC)
1.7 "Sysconfig" Panel added. Allow to configure the launcher. You can press "c" at any time to call the Sysconfig screen. You can press "r" to force the RAD to save the maximum of memory (Check Infodesk for the status) F10 will exit Returning "5" to the CLI on Exit (same for JoyUp+Fire on the 1st Menu)
1.6.3 You can press "i" at any time to call the infodesk.
1.6.2 New menu gfx, Bug fix, mod player. "m" to mute the music.
1.5 Database: In the menu, press F1 to generate de database of your choice. Ex: on Games/ECS Press F1 You can generate a database for each category.
1.4 Many things improved. Launch your games more efficiently. Run many games on 1MB Amiga computers, and even more with 2MBââ¬ÃÅ Note that your Partition must be named "DH0". See the list in :
1.3 -launch ".exe" named executables files (usefull for demos). -You can now quit Tiny Launcher with the joystick (Quit menu). You can also quit with Escape on the 1st menu screen. -Smooth Animations
1.2 -Tiny Launcher display an error message when the file in the game directory isn't what was expected. -Tiny Launcher display an error message when there's more than 1 "Jump" file in /S.
-To jump to desired "list" at launch, just create an empty file called: TLGECS,TLGAGA,TLDECS or TLDAGA in S: -You can now return to the "Space Invader" screen from a list: At the 1st item in the list, hold "Up+Fire" -Keyboard is now supported. Use the arrows to navigate, enter to select, (ESC or BACKSPACE) to go back, H for help.