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Description:A GUI for Join command
Short: A GUI for Join command
Author: papiosaur2@hotmail.fr (Yannick Buchy)
Type: util/wb
Version: 1.1
Requires: Hollywood plugin: RapaGUI
Architecture: ppc-morphos; ppc-amigaos4.x; 68k-amiga3.x; x86-aros

Hello all,

This my first small programm with Hollywood: a GUI for Join command.

This interface uses the Join command included in your system. The interface makes it
easy to join multiple files in one seoul. For the moment, many formats have been
attached successfully:

- iso
- vob
- mp3
- png (DualPNG icon)
- txt

Other formats are probably compatible but not tested, if you know of any, please let
me know.

The interface uses the Hollywood RapaGUI external module.
Other graphical interfaces are under study (file conversion, etc.).
Don't hesitate to contact me if you want a specific project.

Thanks a lot to:
- MorphOS Team for MorphOS
- Andreas Falkenhahn for Hollywood and plugins
- Bernd Assenmacher for his code source to begin in Hollywood
- Beworld for his help
- jPV for his help
- AMIGASYSTEM for tests on others plateforms and for the icons
- Plouf for his help
- MorphOS french team for their encouragements ;-)


1.1 - add executable for AmigaOS4.x, AmigaOS3.x and AROS tested by AMIGASYSTEM
- add icons realised by AMIGASYSTEM
- remove the filters for the files proposed by AMIGASYSTEM and Jedi

1.0 - first public release for MorphOS
Upload Date:May 06 2023
Size:1 MB