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Description:Hollywood plugin for AHX/HivelyTracker.
Developer:Andreas Falkenhahn

This plugin allows Hollywood to load and play AHX and HivelyTracker modules.
It is based on HVL2WAV 1.2 by Xeron/IRIS. See http://www.hivelytracker.co.uk/
for more information.

Once this plugin is installed, OpenMusic() will "automagically" be able to open
AHX and HivelyTracker modules. You can also query the number of subsongs in
a module by using GetAttribute() with #MUSIC and #ATTRNUMSUBSONGS. Individual
subsongs can be played using PlaySubsong().

This plugin also exports one command, namely: ahx.SetPlayingTime(). This
function can be used to set the duration of the music in milliseconds. By
default this is set to 60*1000*10, i.e. 10 minutes. This function is necessary
because the plugin currently doesn't offer any end-of-song detection.

A demo applet is also included. You can run this applet using the freely
available Hollywood Player.


Version 1.2: (02-Apr-17)
- New: Added 64-bit builds for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS
- New: Added support for Hollywood 7.0's help string feature

Version 1.1: (01-Jul-15)
- New [Linux]: Added build for Linux ARM
- Fix [Linux/MacOS]: Plugin is now compiled as position-independent code (PIC)
- Fix [OS3]: FPU version will cleanly exit now in case there is no FPU
- New: Added support for adapter-specific file loading (requires Hollywood 6.0)

Version 1.0: (15-Sep-14)
- First release


This plugin was written by Andreas Falkenhahn <andreas@airsoftsoftwair.de>
See the COPYING file in this package for conditions concerning distribution
of this plugin. Visit http://www.hollywood-mal.com/ for more information
on Hollywood and more plugins.

Upload Date:Sep 27 2019
Size:129 KB