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Description:A different, funny and alternative music player to play the music files such like: mp3, m4a, wav, wma, flac and the Amiga module formats, programmed with Hollywood.
Developer:J.C. Herran Martin

Title: Vintage Song Player
Version: 2.55
Kind: Music Player
Plataform: AmigaOS3.x
Requeriments: Hollywood plugins: ahx.hwp - avcodec.hwp - digiboster.hwp - aiff.hwp
oggvorbis.hwp - xmp.hwp - sid.hwp
codesets.library, mpga.library and graphic card.
A different music player, you can your Juke Box in your desktop playing files with
these formats:
8svx, aiff, mp3, ogg, m4a, mod, med, dbm, hvl, xm, s3m, ac3, wav, flac, sid

The player controls:
The Juke Box cans to move catch of top.

Play: To play music.
Buttons pannel:To open the music file. A sound to charge the disc is played.
Stop: To stope the music.
+ and -: To raise or low the music balance, a brick button change of color from
dark blue no sound to red the top balance.
The boingball: The about.
The tools to change the preferences:
- REW/FFWD step: The time to rewind or forward the song, in seconds of

Mouse Wheeel: Up or Down to forward or rewind the song.
Mid button: To pause/replay the song.

a-A: About the player, version, author.
b-B: Loop the sound file.
h-H: Help.
l-L: Load sound file.
p-P: Pause sound file.
v-V: Vinyl Disc Effect ON/OFF.
ESC key: To exit the player.

The disc pannel:
1. When the song is playing this pannel has a yellow light, when the song is
finish the pannel back no light if you paused the song the light is red,
replay the song the light again is yellow.
2. When the vinyl sound effect is activated in the bottom left corner is showed
one vinly disc.
3. When the loop option is activated in the bottom center is showed one Compact

Available in these languages:
Spanish. Italian. French. Greek. English. Deutsch. Polish. Czech.

Features from this new version:
1. Added the file formats when you load one song: med, ac3, aiff and 8svx. Thank
you to Carlo to rembember this formats.

Upload Date:Mar 17 2023
Size:1 MB