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Description:Improved AmiQuake2 1.15 RTG from NovaCoder
Developer:Cosmos Amiga
Short: Improved AmiQuake2 1.15 RTG from NovaCoder
Author: Cosmos Amiga
Uploader: cosmos.amiga@gmail.com
Type: game
Version: 1.15
Requires: RTG 320x200 8bit & OS 3.0+ & 68060@85+
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
URL: http://leblogdecosmos.blogspot.com

Improved AmiQuake2 RTG for 68060

AmiQuake2 1.15 RTG

- _CopyToScreen_RTG optimized
- fix 7 gcc compilator bugs
- _AngleVectors optimized
- _LVOSMul32 inlined
- _VectorLength optimized
- _VectorMA optimized
- _VectorNormalize optimized to death
- _VectorScale optimized

AmiQuake2 1.14 RTG

- modified for running into RTG mode

AmiQuake2 1.14 AGA

- by NovaCoder

Known bugs in the original 1.14

- problems using TLSFMem when you quit the game

Installation highly recommended

- 68060 mathieeedoubtrans.library 46.00 from Matthias Henze in Sys:Libs/

- install mathieeedoubas.library 45.881 r11 from Peter Keunecke in Sys:Libs/

- for Phase5/DCE boards, install the 68060.library 46.16 in Sys:Libs/

- if using the Workbench 3.1, install the little 68040.library too

AmiQuake2 RTG 1.15 is an asm source of 420 055 lines made with :

46 514 move 10 039 fmove
8 536 pea 2 448 fadd
8 011 add 2 377 fmul
6 998 lea 1 291 fcmp
5 961 jsr 1 046 fsub
5 752 beq 581 ftst
5 647 clr 546 fintrz
5 108 bsr 535 fdiv
4 879 bra 465 fmovem
4 876 tst 421 fbne
4 672 moveq 341 fbngt
4 477 cmp 337 fbeq
2 826 bne 302 fbnlt
2 264 rts 232 fblt
2 104 unlk 133 fbgt
2 102 link 132 fneg
1 587 sub 84 fble
1 806 movem 78 fbnge
1 064 btst 65 fbge
1 028 and 60 fbnle
928 ble 53 fabs
687 blt 16 fsqrt
766 mul
718 bge
550 or
536 lsl
517 bgt
513 asr
254 bpl
226 eor
191 div
151 bcs
149 lsr
143 extb
142 not
136 bcc
95 bhi
88 ext
80 bfextu
63 bls
54 neg
48 rol
40 bset
37 bftst
37 st
36 bmi
35 swap
29 seq
28 subx
27 sne
26 jmp
25 bclr
17 bchg
16 dbf
13 addx
10 bfexts
6 bfins
5 asl
4 ror
3 exg
1 sge

Overview :

Amiga AGA 68k port based on Yamagi Quake II v5.10

Yamagi Quake II is an enhanced client for id Software's Quake II.
The main focus is an unchanged single player experience like back in 1997,
thus the gameplay and the graphics are unaltered. Over 1000 bugs were fixed
and an extensive code audit done, making Yamagi Quake II one of the most
solid Quake II implementations available. Other than most ports Yamagi
Quake II is full 64 bit clean, so it works perfectly on modern 64 bit
processors and operating systems. Yamagi Quake II is supported on FreeBSD,
Linux, and Windows (XP or higher) and AmigaOS 3 !

Requirements :

1) An AGA Amiga (PAL/NTSC)
2) A very fast 68060 processor (100+ MIPS !)
3) 64MB of FASTRAM (see below)
4) The original game or demo
5) AHI Installed and set up correctly (see below)

Features :

1) 256 color double buffered AGA 320x200 graphics
2) Mouse wheel support for changing weapons
3) AHI 8/16 bit Mono/Stereo sound support

Configuration Options :

You must run AmiQuake 2 from the WB, running from the Shell is not supported
You must specify a stack of at least 300,000
Any errors *should* be written to a file called 'ERROR.TXT' in the game directory
You can change the sound quality between high (16 bit) and normal (8 bit) from the Options Menu
The AHI device used will be the one set up in your AHI Prefs (music unit), this information is written to the Quake console for reference
You can choose between Mono and Stereo sound with the console command 's_channels'
You can choose between PAL and NTSC with the console command 'r_ntsc' (or by editing config.cfg)

Installation :

You need either the demo or retail game Pak files installed in the 'baseq2' folder
If you want to run the full retail game you must unpack your Pak files (using Pak Explorer or similar) to your 'baseq2' folder to conserve memory

Performance Considerations :

1) You should always patch exec.library's CopyMem() and CopyMemQuick() routines for faster processor specific versions
2) Loading your ROM into FASTRAM is a great idea (see below !)
3) If you have a Blizzard you should really be using BlizKick to get most out of your Amiga, Apollo users should be using RemApollo
4) Dynamic lighting is slow (console command 'cl_lights')
5) Alpha blending is slow (console command 'sw_stipplealpha')
6) AHI seems to perform better if you set up AHI Prefs to match the game's desired settings
7) Use v4.18 of AHI as the later versions are too slow !
8) If you are using Paula, stick with the 'FAST' 8 bit Mono/Stereo++ modes for AHI (prefs) - a real 16 bit card *might* be faster with a 16 bit 'FAST' mode
9) Install HSMathLibs

Limitations :

1) No network or multi player support
2) No hardware 3D support
3) Only the original game and official expansion packs are supported

Links :

http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=68414 (AmiQuake2 thread on EAB)
http://www.yamagi.org/quake2/ (Yamagi Quake II page)
http://www.quaketerminus.com/tools.shtml (Pak Explorer, can be used to extract your Pak files)
http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~portnoi/quake/quakeiicom.html (Quake 2 console commands)
http://www.hsmathlibs.de/HSMathLibs_e.html (The fastest math libraries for Amiga)

Thanks and acknowledgments :

BSzili for the AROS port and all of his help and advice !
The EAB beta testers, Peter McGavin and Hyperion

Upload Date:Mar 17 2020
Size:1 MB