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Description:A little tool with the charapters the game's world Los Malditos del Valle del Cerro
Developer:J.C. Herran Martin
Title: Los Malditos's Calendar&Clock
Version: 1.00
Kind: Clock and Calendar
Plataform: MorphOS
Requeriments: charsets.library
Tool for: All
Description: This is a little tool with the charapters the game's world
Los Malditos del Valle del Cerro.
This clock may be useful to control the time in front of a computer with
the alarm or the extrem case with shutdown your computer.

This programs has these features:
1. Digital clock with hours, minutes and seconds.
2. Calendar with day, week day, month and year.
3. Moon phases or sings of the zodiac.
4. Bell clock with its bells with every hour.
5. Set of the hour and minute for self shutdown, a voice warns about
6. Set an alarm clock hour and minute, (to stopped the alarm you must
click in the bell in the main menu when it is active).
7. Different faces and expressiond of Ivanka the Lobezna with every
8. For the critizers, Ivanka looks sexy but she will never show naked.
9. The clock runs even minimized.

Usage with these keyboard keys:
ESC: Quit the program.
Space Bar: Minimize.

Available in these languages:
English. Spanish. German. Italiano. French.

- 1.00
- Initial realesed.

Upload Date:Jun 19 2024
Size:3 MB