Readme: | Short: Asm-Pro mc680x0 macro assembler (+source) Author: (SP) Uploader: amigaguru gmail com (SP) Type: dev/asm Version: 1.18 Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4
Asm-Pro is a mc680x0/6888x/68851 macro assembler/disassembler/linker with integrated editor, monitor and debugger.
With Asm-Pro you have a complete package for writing assembler programs on your Amiga. Asm-Pro is simular to asm-one but has new and improved functionality including gfx-card compatiblity.
- An Amiga - Kickstart 2.04+ - ReqTools.library (Try Aminet)
The source for Asm-Pro is available from my homepage for those who are interested in helping out with the development..
Join our Asm-Pro mailing list for support on the development of Asm-Pro!
Subscribe: URL to discussion page:
HISTORY: ================= Asm-Pro V1.18 (5-april-2012) =======================
People contributing to this opensource release: - Rune Stensland (sp) (
- Added the Apollo Cpu (GUI+Config) - Apollo: Enabled move byte to adress register (Assembler,dissassembler,debugger) - Apollo: Enabled tst byte adress register (Assembler,dissassembler,debugger) - Apollo: Added clr.x ax, not.x ax,neg.x ax, negx.x ax (Assembler,dissassembler,debugger) - Apollo: Added bset.x #n,ax, bclr.x #n,ax, bchg.x #n,ax, btst #n,ax (Assembler,dissassembler,debugger) - Apollo: Added Full <EA> support for tst,clr,not,neg and negx (ex. neg 10(pc,d0.w*2)) (Assembler,dissassembler,debugger) - Apollo: Added (B,W,L) ORIA , EORIA, ANDIA, ADDIA,SUBIA,CMPIA (Assembler,dissassembler,debugger) - Apollo: Added DbCC.L (Assembler,dissassembler,debugger) - Fixed 020 + inderect adressing modes ([xxx.l,d0]) etc. EX: jsr ([label,d0.l*4]) - Fixed 020 + inderect adressing modes ([label],123456789) EX: move.l ([label],123456789),d0 - Removed Crash when pasting an empty clipboard - The commandline buffer now remember 256 lines (before 16). Also Removed wrapping. - Added support for Integer Constants in Floatingpoint Expressions. ex: fmove.l #constant*100,fp0
================= Asm-Pro V1.17 (2-may-2005) =======================
People contributing to this opensource release: - Franck "Flasher Jack" Charlet.
[FIX] - All libraries calls are now using relevants includes labels (Also added a couple of required includes).
- Forced the FPU flag for 68040 & 60 so fpu instructions can be assembled when using these processors and fpu registers are displayed in the regs lists.
- Pasting block of text when the caret is at the bottom of the editor won't trash it anymore.
- Current line won't be trashed during block marking.
- Fixed some typos here and there.
- Fixed the doubled carets in monitor.
- Fixed start/end save addresses in binary dump.
[NEW] - Current caret address is now displayed in monitor.
- Added the includes files into the sourcecode archive (dunno if it's legal or not but it makes life easier).
- bm.l command implemented (longwords binary dump).
[MISC] - Renamed executable & sourcecode file from Asm-Pro to AsmPro (Mostly because it's faster to type).
================= Asm-Pro V1.16i (24-02-2001) =======================
People contributing to this opensource release: - Aske Simon Christensen aka Blueberry - Franck "Flasher Jack" Charlet.
Blueberry: --------- [FIX] Fixed the "sticky" cursor problem in the editor. [FIX] Instructions like bfexts d0{13:28},d2 are legal and therefor do not generate errors anymore.
Flasher Jack: ------------ [NEW] Added a most recent files list (only for source files).
[FIX] On Ctrl+V (paste) command: editor's line number trashed. [FIX] Changed "AU" (Auto Update) to "AS" in prefs to avoid conflict with Update Check.
Solo: ---- [NEW] There is now an Asm-Pro developers mailing list!
================= Asm-Pro V1.16h (04-02-2001) =======================
People contributing to this opensource release: - Boussh - Franck "Flasher Jack" Charlet. - Solo
Boussh: ------- [FIX] Fixed disassembler crashes for some (illegal) opcodes.. (jaja beter laat dan nooit he :)
Flasher Jack: ---- [SRC] Changed system equ's to includes.
[FIX] Comment block won't trash line number anymore. [FIX] File >=100k displayed correctly in V command. [FIX] Won't display FastMem in AllocWorkSpace window if there's no FastMem present (A BIIIG ONE!). [FIX] When assembling with no errors editor line number trashed. [FIX] Select a font and then Canceling the prefs window won't trash the screen anymore. [FIX] BootBlock simulator now jumps to Address+12.
[NEW] AutoUpdate option before Jump or Go added in env. prefs. [NEW] BootBlock simulator menu entry. [NEW] 'Select all' option in editor.
[NEW] 'Tabulate' option in editor. [NEW] 'Spaces to tabs' option in editor. [NEW] Insert disassembly: labels extended to 32 bits. [NEW] RegsData file can be also found in S:
Solo: ----- [SRC] Source reconstruction.
================= Asm-Pro V1.16g (08-08-2000) =======================
People contributing to this release: - Aske Simon Christensen aka Blueberry - Solo
Blueberry: ---------- [FIX] Pflusha warnings changed from 851/030 only to 851/030+ [FIX] Nested REPTs work again. It crashed previously. [FIX] REPT 0 now skips its contents, instead of crashing. [FIX] '<' in expressions was unsigned less than or equal instead of signed less than, as it should be. [FIX] Float values can now be raised to nonpositive exponents
Solo: ----- [NEW] Added an editor function to change hexnumbers to ascii (Amiga+h) Set the cursor on top of the '$' and press Amiga+h and presto the number changes into an ascii value string..
eg. dc.l $534F4C4F
will change into: dc.l "SOLO"
A more extensive example:
checksize: moveq #0,d6 move (a3)+,d0 and d4,d0 cmp #$C057,d0 beq.b .wordsize cmp #$C04C,d0 beq.b .longsize cmp #$C042,d0 beq ERROR_IllegalSize bra HandleMacroos
can be changed into:
checksize: moveq #0,d6 move (a3)+,d0 and d4,d0 cmp #"@W"+$8000,d0 beq.b .wordsize cmp #"@L"+$8000,d0 beq.b .longsize cmp #"@B"+$8000,d0 beq ERROR_IllegalSize bra HandleMacroos
which is a lot more readable..
================= Asm-Pro V1.16f (04-03-2000) ======================= [First OpenSource Release]
Source code of Asm-Pro is now available as OpenSource. Check out the Website for more details (
- Fixed autoscroll problem when screensize was bigger than the screenmode size. - Fixed warning for pmove.l TC,xx
-- Http://