Short: A Shell-only `Cpu060' replacement Author: Holger.Hippenstiel AT Uploader: Holger Hippenstiel nc-online de Type: util/misc Version: 1.7 Replaces: util/misc/MyCpu060 Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0; ppc-powerup Kurz: Ein Phase5 'Cpu060' Ersatz MyCpu060 V1.7 ============= A Shell-only `Cpu060' replacement for AmigaOS 3++ SYNOPSIS S=SUPERSCALAR/S,NS=NOSUPERSCALAR/S, (*) I=INSTCACHE/S,NI=NOINSTCACHE/S, (*) NHI=NOHALFINSTCACHE/S,HI=HALFINSTCACHE/S, (!) D=DATACACHE/S,ND=NODATACACHE/S, (*) NHD=NOHALFDATACACHE/S,HD=HALFDATACACHE/S, (!) B=BRANCHCACHE/S,NB=NOBRANCHCACHE/S, (*) C=CPUSH/S,NC=NOCPUSH/S, (!) W=WRITEBUFFER/S,NW=NOWRITEBUFFER/S, (*) A=ALLOCATE/S,NA=NOALLOCATE/S, (*) AO=ALLOCATEOPERAND/S,NAO=NOALLOCATEOPERAND/S, (*) F=FPU/S,NF=NOFPU/S, (*) VZ=VBRFAST/S,VZ=VBRZERO/S (!) 60=60ns/S,70=70ns/S (!) FA=FastAvec/S (!) V=VERBOSE/S, (*) E=EXTENDED/S,BE=!=BEST/S,Q=QUIET/S (!) DESCRIPTION MyCpu060 is a replacement for Cpu060, the Options marked with (*) are compatible to those of Cpu060, Options with (!) are new and the original Cpu060 is not able to handle them. Here are some good reasons to use MyCpu060: · Programm is shorter than Cpu060 (3524 Bytes) · Could handle more Caches/Modes of the 060er esp. HalfInst/HalfData/CPUSH, which Cpu060 can't turn on or off ! · Extended mode which prints 6 more Registers URP, SRP, TC, FPCR, DFC & VBR. · Prints out VBR in normal mode instead of BUSCR. (Sigh ;) · BEST Option, sets all Caches/Modes to the optimum. · MyCpu060 is pure and can be made resident. REQUIREMENTS 68060 exec.library v39+ ppc.library - optional HISTORY 1.0-1.3 (xx.07.96) Not released as public version. 1.4 (08.09.96) First public release. 1.7 (23.11.97) Also shows PPC-Information VZ=VBRFAST/S,VZ=VBRZERO/S VBR to Fastmem or 0 60=60ns/S,70=70ns/S Speed of Ram FA=FastAvec/S Replaces the external programs SetFastAvec Full Assembler-Sourcecode included. DISCLAIMER This software is subject to the "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note". It is Giftware as defined in paragraph 4g. If you like it and use it regulary, please send me a small gift. For more information please read "AFD-COPYRIGHT". Diese Software unterliegt der "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note". Sie ist Giftware wie definiert in Absatz 4g. Falls du sie magst und regelmaessig benutzt, sende bitte ein kleines Geschenk. Fuer mehr Informationen lies bitte "AFD-COPYRIGHT". (/pub/aminet/docs/misc/AFD-FilesV-XX.lha V=Version,XX=Languages) AUTHOR Please send comments, bug-reports or small gifts like a Vampire V4 or a now "worthless :P" NVidia RTX 2080 Ti, or Paypal me to: Holger.Hippenstiel AT Hauptstr. 38 71229 Leonberg Germany